
  1. India in Oersoective: Deve

DsDr. Thomas A. Timberg has written and lectured widely on the subjects with which he is engaged. The subjects include entrepreneurship, economic history, the political economy of development, small and medium enterprise promotion programs, and financial development.


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#TitleDownload Link
1"Why is India Shining: An Aristotelian Approach" in Economic and Political Weekly 39:25, September 25, 2004, pp 4324-4328Download Now
2"Who are the Sassoons?" Unpublished PaperDownload Now
3"What Happened in the Great Depression According to Robert Nathan?" Appeared on Nathan Associates WebsiteDownload Now
4"Two Discourses Financial Liberalisation Happened" Economic and Political Weekly 32:44-45, pp 2859-2862Download Now
5"Scratches on the Sands of Time: Review of Two Long Term Retrospective Village Studies in India," Economic and Political Weekly 34:24, Jue 12, 1999, pp1503-1504Download Now
6"Rural Employment: Limits and Possibilities," Economic and Political Weekly 15:18, May 3, 1980Download Now
7"Micro and Macro Data in Village India: A Note," Economic and Political Weekly 15:48, November 29, 1980, pp 2019-2022Download Now
8"Microfinance and Alleged Abuses In India and Around the World." Unpublished ArticleDownload Now
9Book Review "Politics and Business in Bangladesh," Economic and Political Weekly 29:48, November 26, 1994, p 3033Download Now
10Review of Thomas Carrothers, Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad, Unpublished.Download Now
11Jewish Slaves and Freemen in the Early Modern Period: Status and Access -- Jews Are Just the Same as Anyone Else But More So."Download Now
12The Marwaris from Traders to Industrialists. New Delhi: Vikas Publishers, 1978Download Now
13"Reducing Administrative Corruption in the Ukraine" Study for USAID November 2005Download Now
14"GD Birla in Indian Business and Politics," Economic and Political Weekly 38:25, June 21, 2003, pp 2487-2488Download Now
15"Cannibals and Missionaries," Economic and Political Weekly 19:37, September 15, 1984, p 1611.Download Now
16"Informal Credit Markets in India," with C. V. Aiyar, Economic and Political Weekly 15:5-7, February 16, 1980, pp 279-302Download Now
17Interest in the Jewish Tradition: Economic Theory and Reality--Four Facts." Jewish Studies Center Washington, DC, 2014Download Now
18"Decades of Change," Economic and Political Weekly 38:25, June 19, 2004Download Now
19"Business and Industry in Nineteenth Century India," Economic and Political Weekly 48:28, November 28, 1970, pp 1927-28Download Now
20"Black Jews, Jewish Blacks, and Back Hebraism," Jewish Studies Center 2015Download Now
21"Borunda A Case of Exhausted Development," Economic and Political Weekly 16:8, February 22, 1981, p 265Download Now
22Financial Services to Support International Trade in Mozambique," for USAID Southern Africa Global Development Hub, April 2005.Download Now
23Article on the World Bank supported Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Project for the Central Bank of NigeriaDownload Now
24Review of A.K. Dixit, Lawlessness and Economics. was published on the Nathan Associates WebsiteDownload Now
25"Are Small Banks Beautiful in Indonesia," for USAID Partnership for Economic Growth Project February 2002Download Now
26"Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Prpject Completion Report<" March 25, 2012Download Now
27"What I Learned in Indonesia: Nine Salient Points on the Indonesian Financial System and Small and Micro Credit"Download Now
28"The Malukus its IDPs and Economy, Financial System and Prospects"Download Now
29"Institutional Credit in Irian Jaya." 2001Download Now
30"Economic Reform Agenda for Indonesia," Law and Policy in International RelationsDownload Now
31"Opium Subsector Sector Survey Final Report, Afghanistan 1992Download Now
32Why Isn't There More SME Credit from Commercial Banks in Indonesia 2000Download Now
33"Small Credit in North Sulawesi." 2002Download Now
34"Small Credit in Takshimalaya." 2002Download Now
35"Small Credit in West Java." 2002Download Now
36"Small Credit in West Kalimantan." 2001Download Now
37"Trademarks and Small Business in Industrial Countries __ How Small Businesses Use Them."Download Now
38Why Isn't There More SME Credit from Commercial Banks in Indonesia 2000Download Now
39"Development Banks and Mozambique; Assessment of the Pros and Cons of Development Banks."" December 2004Download Now
40"Egypt: Trade Finance Reform for Small Business Development." 1997Download Now
41"Survey of Proposed Trade in Environmental Services and Technology Project in India." 1991Download Now
42"Opportunities in the Banking Quagmire in Indonesia," 2001Download Now
43Interview on Nigeria MSME ProjectDownload Now
44"Catfish Industry Supply Chain Development Programme Summary"Download Now
45"Rice Industry Supply Chain Development Summary"Download Now
46"Tourism Industry Supply Chain Development Programme Summary"Download Now
47"The Poor Versus the Disfranchised: Welfare and Employment: Review Article,: Economic Development and Cultural Change43:3, April 1995, pp 651-662.Download Now
48"The Role of Antimonopoly Committees in the Former Soviet Union," Demokratzizatskaya:Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization 5:2, Spring 1997, pp 291-297Download Now
49"Big and Free is Beautiful: China and India, the Last 40 Years and the Next: Review Article," Economic Development and Cultural Change 45:2, 1997, pp 435-442Download Now
50"The Impact of Indian Liberalization on US-Indian Relations." SAIS Review, Winter-Summer 1998, pp 123-136Download Now
51"Informal Credit Markets in India," Economic Development and Cultural Change 33:1, October 1984, pp43-59Download Now
52"An Influential Relationship," Economic and Political Weekly 52:34, August 26, 2017, pp 29-30.Download Now
53"Interwar Vilna--Athilta d'geula--The Beginnings of Modern Judaism," excerpts from Chaim Grade and the historical backgroundDownload Now
54"A Note on the Sir E.V. Sassoon Papers, Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies 15, 2015, pp 105-108Download Now
55THE JEWS OF INDIA -- Several Communities with Several Stories--All Very Jewish AND Very IndianDownload Now
56Ayn Kemach, Ain Torah: Yeshiva Finance in Eastern Europe up to 1939Download Now
57Yeshiva Finance Addendum:Download Now
58"Family Narrative as Business History," Economic and Political Weekly 54:9, March 2, 2019, pp 26-27Download Now
59"Letter on Convergence of Per Capita Income Among Major Developing Countries"Download Now
60"Jews and Refugees: Halacha and History."Download Now
61Review of two books on the Bombay PlanDownload Now
62"Jews of Calcutta," Bengal Past and Present 93:175, January-April 1974, pp 7-22Download Now
63"Bihari Backwardness: Does Feudalism Exist?," Asian Survey 22:5, May 1982, pp 470-480Download Now
64"Integrity in Bangladesh's Rural-Electrification,"Download Now
65Flame University Webinar on Indian Traditional Merchant CommunitiesDownload Now
66"JEWS IN INDIA" edited Advent 1984Download Now
67"Dysfunctional Labor Market Regulation as a Drag on Indian Development."Download Now
68"Development in the Delta: How Bangladesh Has Led West Bengal on the Path to Development"Download Now
69Bibliography for"Development in the Delta: How Bangladesh Has Led West Bengal on the Path to Development"Download Now
70"Corner on the Indian Silver Market in Mumbai 1944"Download Now
71"Lives and Death sin Theresienstadt (or Terezin): Memories of the Holocaust from Theresienstadt"Download Now
72The Question: Why DId Southern Jewish Entrepreneurs Move to New York in the 1890s?Download Now
73"Review Article of Eric G. Jansen and Nazibur Rahman, Seeing the End of Poverty"Download Now
74"Review of K.A,S, Murshid,The Odds Revisited:Political Economy of the Development of Bangladesh"Download Now
75India and Indonesia Benchmarked: Differences Overcome by Development."Download Now
76"India and Nigeria -- Fifty Years - Phylogeny Recapitulating Ontogeny"Download Now
77"Potential for Indian Garment Export: Theory and Practice of International Trade," Economic and Political Weekly 52:2, January 14, 2017, pp 12-13.Download Now
78Review of Arindam Banik and Munim Kumar Barai, Two Bengals: A Comparative Development Narrative of Bangladesh and West BengalDownload Now
79"Islamic Banking and It Potential Impact"Download Now
80"Eliezer Henkin: Halacha and Rent Control: Dina d'Malkuta Dina-The Law of the Kingdom is the Law"Download Now
81Second-Coming-of-Agricultural-CreditDownload Now
82Book Review of Wayne Nafziger, Caste, Class and Entrepreneurship in IndiaDownload Now
83"Rural Credit in a Market Regime," Economic and Political Weekly 28:8-9, February 20-27, 1993, p 343Download Now
84"Underconsumption as an Economic Fault," Economic and Political Weekly 52:45, November 11, 2017, pp 31-34Download Now
85"Chris Bayly," Economic and Political Weekly 50:24, June 13, 2015, pp.4-5Download Now
86"Informal Remittance Systems and Afghanistan." December 2003and_AfghanisDownload Now
87"Sunderbans--Goods, Markets, and Values," in Eds. Seidenstecker, J., The Commons in South Asia: Social Pressure and Environmental Integrity in the Sunderbans of Bangladesh.Download Now
88Review of Raymond Goldsmith, Financial Development of India, 1857-1977 and several other booksDownload Now
89“India in 2000, with Ifs and Buts.”Download Now
90“Questioning Roy’s Interpretation”Download Now
91“Markets and Identity”Download Now
92MicroSavings Risks and RewardsDownload Now
93Missing Research on Small and Microenterprise DevelopmentDownload Now
94Village Banks in HondurasDownload Now
95Small Enterprise Promotion in IndiaDownload Now